I made a 3D textiles penguin, as a response to a Penguin Book Cover beonging to another student.
I made a 3D textiles penguin, as a response to a Penguin Book Cover beonging to another student.
For Fork Sake
Other drawing ideas
Quick Designs based on the phrase "What IF?"
I was set the task to create a Walter Van Beirendonck headdress using completly different media than the original. (The original was made from balsa wood) I used a bamboo frame, colored tissue paper as pompoms and beige fabric. I used interfacing and bondaweb to make the fabric, which would allow it to stand on its own without wilting.
Here are my two figurative ceramic sculptures, that have a stonewear glaze on them.
I chose to make both figures in the same design,but i felt that they should have their own individual markings. I used the Stonewear glaze in different orders and used random dipping techniques, as i wanted an abstract finish to contradict the simple figures of the sculpture.